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About Museums and Galleries Month

The Museums and Galleries Month (MGM) is observed every October by virtue of Presidential Proclamation No. 798, s. 1991. It underscores the importance of fostering national consciousness and pride in our well-preserved Filipino culture and heritage, which embody the nation's aspirations. These aspirations are expressed through various media of art, as well as historical and religious artifacts. The rich Filipino cultural heritage symbolizes the nation's aspirations, and the observance recognizes that these cultural and artistic forms are essential for nation-building and shaping national destiny.

MGM 2024 Theme

About the MGM 2024 Theme

In an era marked by rapid technological advancement and globalization, the importance of preserving cultural heritage has never been more critical. Yet, it is equally important to recognize that tradition is not a static concept but a dynamic force that evolves and adapts.

The theme, “Honoring Traditions, Fostering Innovation,” encapsulates the delicate balance between preserving the past and shaping the future. It invites the public to explore how traditional knowledge, practices, and values can be reinterpreted and applied to address contemporary challenges. By honoring traditions, we pay homage to the wisdom and experiences of our ancestors. These cultural touchstones provide a foundation for identity, community, and resilience. However, to ensure the continued relevance and vitality of these traditions, we must foster an environment of innovation.

Memorandum Issuances

Commission on Higher EducationDepartment of EducationDepartment of the Interior and Local GovernmentNational Library of the Philippines